2. 两数相加
2. 两数相加
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方案一: 模拟
var addTwoNumbers = function(l1, l2) {
let cur1 = l1;
let cur2 = l2;
let rest = 0;
let head = new ListNode(0);
let cur = head;
while (cur1 !== null || cur2 !== null || rest !== 0) {
const total = (cur1?.val || 0) + (cur2?.val || 0) + rest;
const val = total % 10;
rest = Math.floor(total / 10);
cur.val = val;
cur1 = cur1?.next || null;
cur2 = cur2?.next || null;
if (cur1 || cur2 || rest !== 0) {
cur.next = new ListNode(0)
cur = cur.next;
return head;